Friday, November 8, 2013

Hoax of Democracy

The popular myth is that Washington is mired in gridlock. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Congress is diligently and efficiently doing the very job it has been paid to do, as are the judicial and executive branches. Our government maintains the illusion of democracy to bolster the incumbency of wealth and power. They maintain the illusion of democracy, and simultaneously faith in democratic rule, ripping out the roots of freedom and paving they way to the new tyranny. It's the best of both cruel worlds for the conspirators. They're implementing a renewed feudal system under the cover of a democratic hoax.

Take for example this NSA spying scam. The NSA is spying on citizens, and even on leaders of other governments? Did you also know that politicians take money from individual people to get elected and then pass legislation that benefits the people who donated money? Did you know that there are men who cheat on their wives? How is the government spying on anyone and everyone it can, something so historic and obvious, how is it news? Because some kid named Snowden brought it to the public's attention. Do you really think his name, Snowden, is a coincidence? Do you really not know what that means? Have you not read Catch 22? In the novel we find Yossarian holding the dying Snowden in his arms.

Snowden whimpers, “I’m cold.” Yossarian reassures him and tries to mend the wound in Snowden’s leg, thinking that he will live. Finally, Yossarian opens up Snowden’s flak suit, and Snowden’s insides spill out all over him. (Sparknotes, cuz who has time to read a whole book)

The leg wound is a ruse. It's the gaping hole in his abdomen leaking all his insides out into the open, that's the real invasion of his privacy. The NSA scandal is a ruse that diverts the losers' attention away from the real invasion of privacy. The conspirators have access to any and all information they desire. Every packet of data soaring down the information superhighway passes through hubs and switches, and each has a fang of the giant leech draining all your details into the conspirators' data banks. Everything the NSA can access, first passes through the collection pools of the vampire squid. And the tech minions of the greed tyrants also can sink their fangs and suck from many more data streams than the NSA can access. The majority of cameras, kiosks, phone lines, wifi hotspots, and other collectors of the bits of information that make up you are in private hands. Cellphones, laptops, network servers are all built by private companies. Even the equipment that the NSA uses is supplied by private contractors. How do you think the “NSA” was able to monitor and track German Chancellor Angela Merkel's cellphone? Because most cellphones are built in the factories of the conspirators, and they have all of the id information about each and every phone they produce. Every device they've created lights up on their map and transmits data. There is a back door in virtually every electronic device sold. The NSA had to take the fall for a discovery of the tapping of Chancellor Merkel's phone to divert attention from the true privacy invaders. Snowden's mission was to point to the leg wound that is the Government while you unknowingly and perpetually spill your guts to the conspirators. While you watch Washington with disdain and disgust, the wielders of true power build their camouflaged moats and castles and fit you with your invisible chains. The fall-guys at the NSA have to weather the embarrassment and bite their tongues while they are dragged over the coals, because they must serve the true master. Try asking them if they were really the ones doing the spying. They will obediently respond, “No comment.”

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Greek Austerity Irony Rich

The birthplace of Democracy is the testing ground for its dismantling. If austerity measures in Greece succeed, we can expect that the conspirators will increase the decrease of social spending worldwide. At stake in this salvo are social safety net programs. The idea that the wealthier individuals, through taxes, support the masses with decent wages, health care, retirement pensions, is a dying idea. Paying for infrastructure, what does that get us? “A discontented lazy rabble instead of a thrifty working class.” Don’t get the idea that the conspirators planned to use Greece to dismantle democracy and new deal style programs as an ironic gesture. To actively create the conditions in Greece that have led to their economic woes would’ve required a level of infiltration and intervention in Greek politics and business that conspirators are loathe to take on. Why spend good money paying agents to sabotage a government? Why give up a night of martinis and whores in opulent surroundings to sit in on briefings and planning meetings? You can simply create the conditions in which countries are likely to dig themselves into a debt hole from which the cannot recover without concessions. While capable of planning and executing intricate plots, the conspirators rarely do. Not only do “The best-laid schemes o' mice an 'men Gang aft agley,” laying schemes require energy and capital. A farmer invests sweat equity into plowing the ground, planting planned crops, watering, weeding, and hopefully harvesting. The upper circle elite spew their seed about like man whores on whatever ground exists, and send minions to harvest whatever takes root and bears fruit. And failing that, they simply rob the farmer. Greece’s vulnerability is simply a byproduct of the world financial market being turned into a rigged casino. Ah, but it was chosen as the poster child of austerity for its irony. If they can render democracy impotent in Greece and spread austerity throughout the world, they can reestablish a feudal system where the few lord over the many serfs with impunity. How richly ironic would that be?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why The World Economy Collapsed

If by now you’re not fully aware that every transaction that you make in every setting is recorded, you are probably not reading this. Ever since the beginning of civilization, the ruling class has spied on it’s neighbors and citizens for military and marketing purposes. Here in the waning days of our existence, in our modern, high tech, industrial world, intelligence and market research gathering pales the days of spies eavesdropping and sending messages by carrier pigeons. Every email you send or read, every social media click, every site you visit and how long you stayed is associated with you and stored. Carrying a cellphone, iPod, modern credit card or id? Then your global position is tracked and recorded regularly. Every financial transaction you make, if your bank knows, the conspiracy knows. You think you’re anonymous with cash? True perhaps at swap meets and ma and pa stores (which is why they soon will all be driven out of business), but at any corporate or wannabe corporate place of business, your cash transactions are frequently associated with you and recorded. Do you think all those cameras are there for your security? Before you join in the “there’s not enough disk space to store all that information” lie that the agents and dupes shout into the echo chamber of public thought, realize they are not storing the video, simply that you, (utilizing face recognition algorithms) spent x dollars cash on the following items at this location on noted date and time from the following cashier, all data collected by the cash register. Also stored is a probability number representing how likely the facial recognition algorithm was accurate, and since as you wander through the store, every camera is capturing your face and attempting to identify you, the accuracy rate is high. If you’re not positively ID’d, then a list of potential persons is generated and the video stored. If anybody on the list is what’s known in the business as a PoP (Person of Profit, meaning it’s worth pursuing them), the video is stored and manually reviewed to attempt to positively ID. If everyone on the list is, what’s known in the business as, a loser (you don’t even warrant an acronym), the record is deleted. To maximize storage capacity, the least useful individuals, known as total losers, have very little data stored about them. Since losers represent a significant number of people, there is plenty of band width and disk space to capture and store all details of PoPs.
            All your shopping, all your correspondence, all those photos you upload are all robotically analyzed, categorized, and associated with you. Have you noticed how the demon of all social media asks you to confirm things about pictures? Foolish, naïve users are voluntarily helping the bots perfect their facial and spatial recognition algorithms. Hundreds of millions of voice samples are voluntarily contributed to corporate entities for the explicit purpose of perfecting voice recognition algorithms. Now, every time you talk on a phone, or into a computer microphone, or upload a video with your voice in it, you’re recognized, tagged, and your activity is added to your database, assuming you’re not a total loser. Virtually every public space is under the watchful eye of cameras monitored by recognition bots. Every email, chat room message, every electronic document to transmit passes through language analysis software and records the gist of your communication.
            Many computers have cameras and microphones built into them, and if you think they are off when you disable them, you are sadly mistaken. Some models of TV’s are capable of transmitting video image back to the content provider. So America, you are being watched, or in the case of losers, you were being watched. Brontobytes of data collected on you were processed by banks of supercomputers working 24/7. Devious and clever code bored deep into this massive, steaming heap of information, and passed bit after bit through countless algorithms searching for trends and patterns, answering pages of research questions posed by representatives from military, intelligence, propaganda, and marketing divisions of the conspiracy network. Important trends specific to narrow areas of interest were noted and utilized, dramatically enhancing the effectiveness of the mind control messages spewed out into the American psyche around the clock on screens, pages, airwaves, classrooms and conversations. Still the bountiful, and ever growing mound of information was passed through the basement brains searching for unifying trends that would simplify their manipulation of public opinion, neutralizing the only remaining threat to their total domination. But in that search, they discovered something about you America that empowered them to make a bold move.
            America, as they looked at every aspect of your collective life, everything you bought, every show you watched, every column of text you read, every website you visited, all the food you ate, every conversation you had, how you performed at work, how you spent your leisure time, your relationships with everyone you came in contact with, they watched it all and this is what they found out about you America: You’re fat, lazy, and ignorant. You do a half ass job, come home to your pointless possession filled shell, eat a toxic facsimile of food, sit on your oversized asses on overstuffed couches and chairs soaking in mind numbing stupidity on your oversized flat screens. You jerk off to one form of porn or another, be it video of sexual degradation and devaluation of women, or catalogues of baubles you drool over hoping to own to fill the empty void where your zest for life should be. You are so mind bogglingly stupid, you buy millions of lottery tickets a week, hoping to join the wealthy class without actually having to accomplish or contribute anything. And through this voluntary act of stupidity you create this huge pool of money controlled by people you’ve never met who are doing you have know real idea what with. And your chances of winning any significant sum of money? Far less than your chance of being struck by lightening, which would probably be much better for you since if you did win big in the lottery you’d likely end up with debt payments that exceed your income. You buy packs of cigarettes and bottles of booze and slowly poison yourself, rotting out your internal organs, once again creating a huge pile of money for somebody you don’t know. You carry a loan shark in your wallet and run yourself into high interest debt. You are volunteer slaves whose chains are your own pleasure seeking addictions. Your corroded relationship skills leave you disconnected from your coworkers, neighbors, even your own family, leaving you emotionally isolated, completely incapable of working together in your own best interests. You fight over crumbs while the conspirators drive off in the bread truck.
When the data mining revealed your lazy, fat, ignorant state of existence, the conspirators reached the logical conclusion: Fuck you guys. We’re not going to support you powerless dumb asses with decent wages and working conditions.  We aren’t funding social safety net programs. We aren’t going to enact, fund, and submit regulations to protect you. You have completely lost your ability to stand up for yourselves and pose any threat to our totalitarian control of wealth. You flounder around like maggots in a trash pile, tea-bagging this, occupying that, fighting amongst yourselves while we enjoy an unprecedented decadence.

           Dear reader, remember that statistics describe populations, not individuals. If you’re reading this, you’re probably still a loser, but not ignorant. You probably haven’t forgotten how many of your ancestors fought, bled, sacrificed and died, wishing they could stem the onslaught of brutal acquisition of totalitarian control, but if not stop it, at least provide avenues so that commoners could etch out a life worth living in fields watered with the blood and bones of resistance. Bands of commoners formed to fight the efforts of the vampire squid to ensnare and control every square foot of usable land, and wrap it’s fang filled tentacles around every profitable endeavor and suck out a percentage like the leech that it is. Resistors hacked and burned, causing enough pain that some wealth, some power, some control was left behind to support the people. While the tools of warfare favored the conspirators, and the brutality inflicted on the peasants was horrendous, and the systems of control were constructed, the pain of the murderous exchanges of war wearied both sides, and we’ve slowly laid down our weapons and switched from playing war to playing store. Violence was institutionalized and the battlefield became the words of law and the hearings of court. The commoners took up the battle of labor, and formed unions, demanding and winning for many a share in the wealth. Then, we grew fat, lazy and our ignorance turned to arrogance, and emotionally crippled us, and we can’t even muster a unified fight for our own best interests. When a group does form to resist, the rest of us listen to pundits who muddy our minds leaving us conflicted and impotent.
            So America, it is your fat, ignorant laziness that has caused the world economic collapse. You can blame it on the 1%, but it’s just another way of shirking your responsibility. They’ve behaved exactly as you should expect. If you can’t muster the gumption to band together and demand a share of the wealth, then you inevitably will be brutally used up like cheap whores while you’re able to work, and discarded into a festering heap of poverty when age or infirmity renders you unproductive. Social Security isn’t failing, it’s being taken from you to fund the grotesque orgy of consumption.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Rapture Actually Occured

Harold Camping, our latest rapture predictor, saw his dates come and go, and still he remains. Obviously, he got the date wrong, very wrong. Not so obvious is that he also got the meaning of rapture wrong, along with all the other rapture predictors, theologians, and linguists.  The men of faith (I’m unaware of a single female predicting the date of the rapture) are of two sorts: those with unreliable sources, and those who are simply charlatans. The scholars and linguists on the other hand are victims of a cover up so vast and ancient that they cannot be rightly be blamed for their naiveté. Academically trained persons are committed to research, fact checking, rational and critical thought. Often these disciplines lead to meaningful and reliable revelation, but when the very sources of information have been planted and tainted, those encumbered with an academic commitment to rationality and reason are unable to see through the ruse, and instead become unwitting agents of the deception.
            To truly understand the misunderstandings and false predictions of the rapture noumenon, one must go way back, and completely suspend all factual constructs and rational thought, for every existing empirical source on the subject has been tampered with, or purely manufactured. The only primary source for the rapture is the Holy Scripture, a collection of documents that clergy rely on unquestionably. And while many of these clergy are also unencumbered by a commitment to rationality, they have been duped because their source document in the language they can understand is based on false translations. Every word in The Bible truly is the word of God, but the translation of those words was subverted by Lucifer herself. Until recently, even the fact that Lucifer is a woman has been hidden, but the truth is slowly coming out of the closet, in large part because of the recent rapture.
            Anyone familiar with The Bible knows that Lucifer was cast out of Heaven, but few know the true reason why (this story will be covered in a later edition). After she was cast out for her aspirations, her bitterness grew to monstrous proportions. Her acrimony drove her to engage in destructive behavior, disrupting the peace of the spirit world, and her new homeland became known as Hell. After Earth was created, Lucifer, still intensely bitter, turned her rage towards God’s creations. The prophet, William Congreve, received a message which he shared with world, “Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned/ Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.” According to our nonexistent source, “Lucifer had the original message altered, she can do that you know. What Billy [William Congreve] was told was, ‘…for Hell is the fallout of a woman scorned.’” God, in his eternal mercy and kindness, has remained on speaking terms with Lucifer, and occasionally meets with her.
            While the translation of The Bible is flawed, it still contains useful revelations. The story of Job in particular reveals the source of the trouble. Lucifer convinced God to “test” Job. What is left out of that story is that there was a bet, a bet which Lucifer won, and God, honorable as ever, has never reneged on payment of the debt. Lucifer won the ability to alter, not The Bible itself, but the language sources used to translate the source documents. The definition of the Greek term which has been translated to connote a rapid or sudden snatching up, actually refers to a process that occurs in spurts over time. The rapture has already occurred, and it has occurred many times. And what is “caught up” is not the body of the persons involved, but rather the Godliness, or goodness in the individuals effected. God truly does love this world, and his children, and has attempted to instill us with love and kindness, a soul. But God is also wrathful when his gifts are rejected, so periodically, he recalls the souls in those who have displeased Him. What are left behind are nasty persons with the ability to do great harm.
            There was a rapture after World War I, which led to the holocaust. The latest rapture occurred in the late 1990’s, setting the stage for the disasters we are still experiencing today. Without their souls, men with ambition and power were able to commit heinous acts such as 9/11, and back securities with subprime mortgages, get them triple A rated, and sell them to unsuspecting buyers around the world. Harold Camping was right that a rapture would occur, he was just wrong about what a rapture actually  is, and late in noticing that it already happened, again.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Real Reason for the Occupy Movement

The occupy movement stems from vague understandings that something is terribly wrong in our market and our political system. Without power, without wisdom and knowledge, they take action that is within their means. What the fools don’t know is that they are playing right into the hands of the conspirators bent on sucking every last drop of goodness out of this world. It’s all part of the plan. For too long, the working class of America has enjoyed a standard of living that pales the richest life of kings past. Virtually every home has a refrigerator. What a king of old would have given for a cold bottled beer whenever he wanted it. The problem is that that working class living standard drains profit from the shadowy figures hiding behind walls of money. Let us be clear: infant and tyrant come from the same root word. While they do have grown up sophistication and intellect, the conspirators are stuck in a state of infantile desire. They want all the blocks for themselves, and the blocks are made of hundred dollar bills. Now, in the years now gone, we had tyrants at the forefront of public life overtly cracking our heads, raping our daughters, enslaving our sons, keeping us in poverty while they piled gold and wares into castles. Within the public eye, they inspired jealously and revolution. Fast forward to today, and we find they’ve learned how to run the same game from behind the scenes. They put forth politicians as the face of leadership, so anger is directed at them. They send workers to evict you rather than soldiers. “I’m just doing my job” is stated with accurate and absolute sincerity. The police accosting the occupy demonstrators are sent there on orders from high, and they are sent simply to reinforce the narrative that the police are solely public servants. Here is how insidious the conspiracy is. Police officers are public servants. They are your neighbors, union members, working class joes. When someone is displaying despicable behavior, robbery, rape, mayhem, it is the police who deal with them. But that is only because they are only occasionally needed for their true purpose. All systems and institutions of power exist for one purpose, to protect them, their claims to property, their hidden castles, their secret treasure troves, their decadent orgies, from us. The services they provide us are secondary, byproducts that make them more palatable. In some cities, the occupy demonstrations are giving them a chance to rehearse tactics in case they are actually needed, and in other cities the police presence is used to reinforce the idea that the police are actually there solely to serve the public good. The occupy demonstrations posed no threat (except perhaps as a vector for disease) to anyone, and are in fact there, unbeknownst to them, at the bequest of the shadowy tyrants. For if all these college graduates were to have good jobs that provided them with the American standard of living including a house with all the appliances, a car, health care, sick leave, weekends off and vacations, that means that much less for the greedy desires of the conspirators. So they deviously devised a plan, planted seeds with their mind control tools, and inspired the occupy movement with a duplicitous goal. They are training our youth how to live in encampments. Even a cubicle costs too much. Let them work from a tent in the park. So occupyists, as you shiver in your sleeping bag, and shout your slogans, remember that you are paving the way for the new working class. You are setting the standard for living.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Welcome to The Paranoid Herald

For too long, journalists with newspapers, television, radio, and now on the internet have been covering events, feigning objectivity, and essentially writing history. They have "informed" the American public into docile domesticity, and complicity in its own imprisonment within an invisible cage, while the machinations of evil forces lead us to the brink of destruction. Every institution, public and private, is infiltrated with agents of the great conspiracy to suck up every last resource of this divine planet in a stupendous orgy of gluttonous debauchery, to be enjoyed by a handful. As this conspiracy progresses, the great mass of the world's people, many of whom as of this writing are living a meager subsistence existence, will slip towards a world of scarcity, until they find themselves in a spent environment, parched, starving, and choking on the stench from the smoldering piles of festering victims of the insatiable appetites of the perpetrators of this impending tragedy. While there are voices out there warning us of the approaching apocalypse, they speak in a reasoned voice of political diplomacy and objective science. They are seeking political and economic solutions, rendering their efforts ineffective, because the perpetrators of this global treachery view them as unwitting concubines and court jesters. All our institutions have been subverted to the perverse service of the fiends, and act as webs of deceit that bind the efforts of any who would turn us from our path of destruction. They hold the great minds among us as economic hostages, siphoning the ideas from them like a spider drains its prey, using them to create their blueprints. And the bodies of the skilled workers slave for them in cubicles and factories, providing the labor to implement those blueprints and manufacture the devices of our destruction. Here in America, the people are lulled into complacent service with a lifestyle of luxury, turning individuals into bricks in a social wall that surrounds the shadowy conspirators, protecting them from the greater mass of the world's citizens who suffer directly the consequences of the grotesque consumption of our resources. We are covertly but deliberately divided into groups of manufactured opposition, left/right, colored/white, liberal/conservative, rich/poor, country against country. Any division will do if it keeps us at odds with each other, leaving the fiends to drain our world dry. They have stolen the bread truck and we fight over the crumbs. Disinformation disseminated by our supposed sources of journalism contributes to the veil that hides the truth. So why The Paranoid Herald? If you're not paranoid, you're paying too much attention. You have been staring at the spinning spiral, the shiny pendulum of news that has hypnotized you into believing in the value of information and reasonable thought. I'm am not hindered by such chains. I will expose the truth where I can, for I have access to highly unreliable inside sources. By inside, I mean inside my head. The voices there inform me of the truth, truth I will share with you. I will publish weekly, or more often if my sources provide me with scoops. Fear greatly dear reader, and it is here you will find the fuel to feed your fears. I shall bring you the truth, and it will terrify you, and your terror will set you free.

Harold Hoodwinky.